Ecology, Culture and Conservation of A Protected Area: Fathom Five National Marine Park, Canada

Table of Contents

S. Parker, M. Munawar

T. Lee

An overview of the National Marine Conservation Areas Program in Canada and its policy
D. McBurney

An overview of Canada’s first National Marine Park
D. Wilkes

Aspects of the historical marine background of Fathom Five National Marine Park
P. Folkes

Native history of the upper Bruce Peninsula through archaeology
J.S. Molnar, S.E. Janusas

Geological history of Fathom Five National Marine Park over the past 15,000 years
S.M. Blasco

Island geology and land forms
D.W. Cowell

An overview of water chemistry and contaminants in Fathom Five National Marine Park R. McCrea, S. Painter, S. Parker

Aquatic ecosystem health of Fathom Five National Marine Park: Structural and functional assessment
M. Munawar, I.F. Munawar, R. Dermott, S.F. Munawar, W. Norwood, C. Wenghofer, D. Lynn, O.E. Johannsson, H. Niblock, S. Carou, M. Fitzpatrick, K. Gaasenbeek, T. Weisse

Vascular plants and vegetation communities of Fathom Five National Marine Park
K.J. Robinson, S. Parker, J. Lusted

Fishes of the shallow littoral zone of Fathom Five National Marine Park
J.K. Leslie, C.A. Timmins

The role of protected areas to evaluate null species-abundance models: ground beetkes (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on the islands of Fathom Five National Marine Park
K. Welstead, T.D. Nudds

Spiders, flies, and some other arthopods of the Fathom Five National Marine Park islands and the upper Bruce Peninsula
S.A.Marshall, C.M. Buddle, B.J. Sinclair, D.J. Buckle

Birds of Fathom Five National Marine Park
D.P. Tate

Amphibians and reptiles of Fathom Five National Marine Park
D.G. Britton, K.A. Prior

Mammals of Fathom Five National Marine Park
D.N. Potter

Parks and protected areas as ecological baselines: establishment of baseline data on species-area relations from islands in Georgian Bay
H.A. Hager, T.D. Nudds

The ecology of the cliffs of Fathom five National Marine Park
D.W. Larson

The diving experience
S. McClellan